While practicing joshin kokyuho today with a friend, breathing in deeply into the hara, and breathing out through our body and our …
Reiki Dag in Haarlem | 28 June 2020
Deze Reiki Dag staat in het teken van meditatie en het verdiepen van de kunst van het Reiki systeem. Frans …
A Blog by Nathalie Jaspar
Reiki exposé: My week with Frans Stiene – A complete survival guide for future hostsWe all wonder: how is Frans …
Mikao Usui – Tendai and Mt Hiei
It is said that Mikao Usui was a lay Tendai Buddhist monk and more and more research is supporting this …
Reiki è Meditazione
Translated by Cristina Gavizzoli In sostanza, la meditazione non è una postura specifica o un modo di respirare, ma è uno …
The Inner Meaning of the Reiki Kanji
靈氣 On the surface we see two kanji meaning Reiki, which is often translated as spiritual energy. Let’s first look …
The Importance of Reiju
Reiju is important as it is a way for a Teacher of Reiki to communicate energetically with a student. Reiju …
Music | Primordial Sounds
Primordial Sounds for Healing is a downloadable CD of chanting by Frans Stiene, inspired by Japanese esoteric practices. According to one of Frans’ Japanese teachers, Frans has the gift of Word Power (Jp. Kototama). This means that when he chants, the sound’s energy is released. This gift aids healing and spiritual development for himself and all that hear it.
I try to describe the undescribable…
Shinpiden Januar 2019, Köln Shinpiden jan 2019, cologne, germany ein Versuch, das Unbeschreibliche zu beschreiben… I try to describe the …