by Zen Teacher Daiju Zenji Frans Stiene asked if I would share some insight on the the topic of ‘Nen’ …
Wat is Reiki?
Door Frans Stiene ‘Omdat Reiki-therapie je zelf-helende mogelijkheden vergroot, door gebruik te maken van de spirituele energie die voortkomt uit je eigen …
Is my energy being “taken” from me? Really?
by Christelle Rosset *See French Below Do we risk “losing” our energy by “giving” hands on healing? And more broadly, …
Mike Krieger
Mike KriegerMike is a Reiki Teacher/Practitioner based in Houston, TX Specializing in: Reiki Sessions Reiki Classes, Mentoring, and Private Teachings …
What is Reiki?
By Frans Stiene “Because Reiki Therapy improves self-healing ability by using the spiritual energy coming from your own body, it’s safe and …
The Right Mind of Reiki
by Frans Stiene Within Okuden Reiki II we have the mantra and symbol hon sha ze sho nen 本者是正念 which literally translates …
Het Reiki Pad
door Frans Stiene Het Reiki Pad kwam tot me in een bliksemschicht. Op een dag ging ik zitten om het …
Reiki und Mitgefühl.
von Takeda Hakusai AjariTranslated by Sabine Zuendorf Ich wurde Mönch auf dem Berg Hiei, studierte den esoterischen Tendai-Buddhismus und gehöre jetzt …
Reiki and Compassion
by Takeda Hakusai Ajari I became a monk on Mount Hiei, studied Tendai Esoteric Buddhism, and now belong to the …
No-Mind and Reiki
by Frans Stiene Within Okuden Reiki II we have the mantra and symbol hon sha ze sho nen 本者是正念 which …