Delve deeper into your personal practise and learn tools to become a Reiki Teacher
All Shinpiden graduates receive FREE post-course online training in personal and professional development, FREE membership to the KI Campus, the opportunity for their students to have access to the KI Campus, a 50 page Shinpiden manual, and Certificates.
Suitable For: Level II International House of Reiki practitioners wanting to continue to develop their personal journey with the system of Reiki. There is the potential to work as a teacher after completing this level, although it is certainly not a requirement after completing this level.
Many existing Reiki teachers study Shinpiden Reiki Level III with the International House of Reiki as it is an ongoing training for them. The quality and uniqueness of the International House of Reiki Shinpiden training is what attracts them to come back again and again (after they first time they attend as re-sitters) as this is a truly experiential course that will develop your skills and your personal healing. Read some past students accounts here:
- My Reiki Journey with Frans Stiene
- Why I keep coming back to Shinpiden
- Frans Stiene’s Japan Journal
Listen to a 45 minute talk by Frans Stiene on The Gifts of Shinpiden
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For those who have not completed Okuden Level II with the International House of Reiki a brief online transition course is a pre-requisite to ensure that the student is up-to-date with the teachings. You will need to have already completed an in-person Level II training (not an online course) to be eligible for the Shinpiden online transition course. At the time of booking your Shinpiden course you will receive the transition course training from our student training site, the Ki Campus.
View Shinpiden Reiki III Schedule
Shinpiden Training
Training: in-person 3 days
Our Shinpiden Reiki Level III course will provide you with:
- Instruction, review and practice in Shoden, Okuden and Shinpiden traditional Japanese techniques
- The meanings, usage and spiritual description of the fourth Japanese jumon (mantras) and shirushi (symbols)
- The attunement/reiju (blessing)
- How to perform and practice attunements and reiju and study esoteric understandings
- Individual guidance on your spiritual journey
Optional Post-course training: There are two streams of online training following Shinpiden that can be completed within 12 months. One is the Personal Training Program and the other is the Professional Training Program. The personal stream is a pre-requisite to the Professional stream.
The Personal Training Program includes:
- Undertaking the Shinpiden Lessons which include multiple choice questions relating to the five main elements of the system of Reiki. This includes a 1000 word essay for assessment.
- Completing a daily routine of self-healing work for 3 weeks
- Taking part in discussion on the Shinpiden forum
- Keeping a journal and including 3 excerpts for assessment
- Provide proof of completion of 5 treatments
- Provide proof of completion of 5 reiju
- Provide proof of completion of 5 attunements
The Professional Training Program includes:
- Undertaking the Shinpiden Lessons which include multiple choice questions relating to the five main elements of the system of Reiki.
- Creating course outlines for Levels I and II for assessment
- 1000 word essay on a topic related to professional Reiki practice (possibility to be published at
- Taking part in discussion on the Shinpiden forum
- Keeping a journal and including 3 excerpts for assessment
- Provide proof of completion of 5 treatments
- Provide proof of completion of 5 reiju
- Provide proof of completion of 5 attunements
About Shinpiden Reiki Level III
Shinpiden is the Japanese word for ‘mystery teachings’. It is aimed at Level II practitioners or established Reiki Masters who wish to continue their personal journey, a journey that is ongoing long after you complete the Shinpiden course. It is therefore not just about teaching and is even suitable for those who wish to simply develop their personal Reiki practise and occasionally teach those around them.
Self-empowerment is attained in Shinpiden through a strong energetic connection to the source of Reiki. It is also the result of the confidence you will feel as a result of your thorough knowledge of Reiki – how it works, what all the variations on Reiki actually are, where Reiki stands in the world today, the Japanese shirusi (symbols) and jumon (mantras) and their connection to Japanese philosophies and what the origin of Reiki’s spiritual nature is.
One of the major focuses of this course is to tap into the sense that you are, and always were, a great, bright light – this is achieved by working with the fourth shirushi and jumon.
Benefits of Shinpiden
- Access a deep sense of tranquillity
- Be confident as a teacher and practitioner
- Begin to help others professionally by teaching as well as treating
- Receive individual ongoing attention and guidance from your teacher
- Belong to an international healing community, the International House of Reiki, and receive all the benefits of the centre’s great support systems
- Certification permitting you to teach and initiate into Usui Reiki Ryoho
- Shinpiden students are encouraged to resit International House of Reiki classes for continuing education purposes. A minimum fee may be required.
Listen to more students talk about their experiences with the International House of Reiki here
Recommended Reading
Related Webclasses
- The Hidden Aspects of Reiju
- How to Teach Guided Meditations
- Teaching Shoden Reiki I
- Teaching Okuden Reiki II
- Teaching Shinnpiden Reiki III
- How to Teach Reiki
- The Meaning of Dai Komyo
Related Articles
- Calm and Clear Shinpiden
- Shinpiden in Paris
- Shinpiden in the UK
- DKM Paradigm
- Breaking the Reiki Code
- Attunments the Japanese Way
- Reiki and Kaji
- Touching
- Usui Reiki Ryoho
- The Ritual of Reiju
- The Esoteric Rituals of Mikao Usui