Online Program | The Remembering Program


The possibility for self-empowerment utilising ancient practices in a modern environment means that each participant finds within the program self-compassion, self-love, self-respect and then begins to sense that in everyone and everything around him or her.

  • Excellent for Reiki practitioners
  • Meditators
  • And would-be meditators!


Become a Rememberer!

This program is unique to the International House of Reiki. You will not find this course taught anywhere else in the world. No other teachers may teach it except its creators, Frans and Bronwen Stiene, founders of the International House of Reiki. It is comprised of both a written and audio component. Read about The Remembering and listen to Bronwen Logan as she guides you through it.

The program itself was inspired by Frans and Bronwen’s personal experience with a Buddhist meditation practice. This beautiful, traditional practice included, as a major element, the visualization of Buddhist deities or Gods. The method itself proved to be an excellent practice for learning about who we are and why we are here.

Frans and Bronwen realised that Buddhist deities were not everyone’s cup of tea and looked at how the practice could be adapted to be used by lay people of any and all beliefs. This new practice allowed the practitioner to work in the same manner while utilizing a modern attitude.

The possibility for self-empowerment utilising ancient practices in a modern environment means that each participant finds within the program self-compassion, self-love, self-respect and then begins to sense that in everyone and everything around him or her.

  • Excellent for Reiki practitioners
  • Meditators
  • And would-be meditators!

Listen to Bronwen and Frans discuss The Remembering on The Reiki Show podcast.

Who is it for?

This program is suited to everybody! It is an excellent workshop for all people interested in meditation and Remembering their connection with life. There are no pre-requisites or energetic experience required. All spiritual beginners welcome! It is also an excellent supportive practise for all Reiki practitioners.

  • If you’ve always wanted to study with the International House of Reiki but haven’t been able to get to them in person – then here’s your chance to uncover aspects of yourself using this invaluable and unique practice.
  • If you would like to find a meditation practice that you can feel comfortable with and make your own then this program is just what you’re looking for.
  • If you’re interested in Buddhist practices but don’t want to become a Buddhist you will find the integration of Eastern methods with Western attitudes in The Remembering a welcome change.
  • And finally if you’d like to truly experience your connection to this amazing universe….

Then this is a great place to begin!

Why take part in The Online Remembering Program?

  • Want to feel alive, not just a human who lives on “automatic”? This technique will remind you what that feels like and how to stimulate that feeling inside you – to live it, not just wish that you could be it.
  • Get support from the teachers at the International House of Reiki and fellow Rememberers through the student website and your own “The Remembering” Forum.

How does The Remembering Program work?

Each day, for 5 days, you will receive an email in your inbox.

This includes an email that confirms that your enrolment has been processed.

You will then receive another email with your own individual password into The Remembering Forum on the student website – if you don’t have one already. You will also have access to a general forum on the student website. For more information about the student website please visit this page.

The first two days of the program prepare you for The Remembering meditations, without this preparation you will be unable to begin and complete The Remembering.

This is followed by three days of meditation – each day building upon the other until you Remember.

An extra bonus is that for each of the five individual practices that you work through an AUDIO component has been provided so that you can listen to, rather than read, them.

What happens when I’ve finished The Remembering Program?

Now that you have the “how” it is up to you to develop it into a life experience. If you can continue practising The Remembering meditation everyday for just 5 minutes you will notice that you begin to bring this sense of Remembering into your everyday life.

Do I need to have studied with the International House of Reiki to do The Remembering Program?

No, you do not need to have completed any courses with the International House of Reiki to take part in this online course.

Where does this program originate from?

This program was created by Frans and Bronwen Stiene – founders of the International House of Reiki. They were inspired by Buddhist practices that they learnt of while living in the Himalaya.