We all can do hands-on/off healing; it is in fact very easy. Just place your hands on (or near) yourself or someone else and there you go! Right?
Well, yes. But…
Mikao Usui instructed us with the precepts on how to perform hands-on/off healing. The word precepts also means instructions. So let’s look at the precepts and see how they actually instruct us and how this will change our hands-on/off healing session.
The precepts are…
Do not anger
Do not worry
Be grateful
Be true to your way and your being
Show compassion to yourself and others
If we perform hands-on/off healing with anger, our mind is turbulent. Therefore, our energy is turbulent as well, and not as calm as when we have let go of our anger.
If we are worried, then our mind is distracted. Therefore, our energy is distracted as well, and not as focused as when we have let go of worry.
If we perform a session and we are not grateful – maybe the client says something, or maybe some pain in our head has not dissipated – then maybe we get worried and angry. This in turn leads to an agitated mind and agitated energy. By being grateful, our mind and energy become stable, open, and calm.
If we are not true to our way and our true self, we are scattered. And if we try to be true to someone else’s way, this might cause issues and thus we will get worried and angry again. But if we are true to our way and our true self, our sessions flow organically, free from anger and worry.
If we perform a session without compassion to ourselves and others, instead we may infuse it with anger and worry again. Compassion is about letting go of all of that; in fact the deepest form of compassion is seeing that there is no giver, gift and receiver, seeing things as completely open like space. Thus in this spaciousness of compassion, our mind and energy are also spacious with no restriction; they move with pure flow, which means we are free from anger and worry.
As you can see, the basic form of hands-on/off healing is very easy but to go into the inner heart of hands-on/off healing, we need to infuse it with the precepts. When we infuse hands-on/off healing with the precepts, we get a very different kind of session. We get a session which is free from anger and worry, a session in which we are in a state of mind of being grateful, true to our way and our being, and compassionate.
This is why Mikao Usui introduced the precepts. Because without the instructions within the precepts, we lose the foundation of hands-on/off healing. And without the instructions within the precepts, we not only lose the foundation of hands-on/off healing, but we also lose the foundation of the whole system of Reiki.
Based in Holland, Frans Stiene teaches in North America, Europe, UK, Australia and Asia.
Frans is also the author of Reiki Insights, it is the continuation of his previous book The Inner Heart of Reiki, taking your personal practice and understanding of the system of Reiki yet another step deeper.
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