I left my Shinpiden training inspired and determined to work toward the intriguing goal of becoming one with original energy, the energy of earth, through chanting the first jumon.
What I didn’t realize was that this daily practice would lead me through a series of energetic adventures, with no end in sight! I knew that each person experiences the journey in his own unique way, and I was excited to discover mine.
As instructed, I begin with the simple intent that I will practice, without attachment to what will happen. As soon as I start chanting the jumon, the hara is energized, and thereafter remains the center of the practice. The energy builds and begins to travel throughout my body and beyond. Lips and fingertips are vibrating. Even with my hands loose in my lap, I soon feel their heat through layers of blankets or clothes…all very nice. However, the practice soon moves beyond simple sensation.
I realized that the breath is energetic as well as physical, and can be drawn into the hara through my whole energy field. As the jumon is released through the breath, it is at the same time released vibrationally from every cell in my body. I find myself within an energy vortex, building up power through breath and sound. As I repeat the jumon, the sounds reverberate in my mind, and I find myself speaking ever more slowly, until speech becomes difficult. I allow this to happen. My Self expands both outward and inward, as the practice takes me deeper than ever before. For me, the key is to sit with it, to BE with it…there are glimpses of where this state of being can take me.
Before Shinpiden, I had been used to following up the jumon chanting with tenohira. At first, this didn’t change. Then I began to realize that when I placed my hands on myself after the chanting, nothing was happening. This was puzzling at first. As I continued my practice and observation, I realized that there was no longer a need to end my practice with tenohira, because the self healing had already taken place during the chanting! Even without tenohira, I felt as though I had received a full Reiki treatment. This was a wonderful discovery. Now I find that when I have a specific area that needs healing, I can mentally direct the energy to that place while chanting for powerful results, with no need to use my palms. And the energy flows for many hours, available instantly by chanting once or by simply going within.
The practice of chanting jumon not only takes the place of tenohira, it also becomes my daily meditation. The chanting assists my conscious mind to subside. There is an activation of heavenly ki, allowing me to quiet down and enter the meditative state.
Thus I take the first steps along the brilliant path laid before me by Usui Sensei. My life is gifted with a growing sense of safety and security. This is the dance, the adventure of becoming Earth Ki.
My cells feel alive, vibrant
The very air around me vibrates
I radiate…
I am radiant
There is no place for anger
There is nothing to fear
I am alive and present on the Earth.
Linda Arigi is a Level III Shinpiden Master/Teacher graduate of the International House of Reiki.
Comments 7
Wonderful blog as explains so beautifully Earth Ki and how important daily practice is.
Thanks Linda for sharing your journey on how to become earth Ki. I am starting mine “today” 🙂
Hi Linda,
I am finding the similer things , you didn’t mention anything about clearing ? the emotional release that one can experience 🙂
thank you again
Its nice for me to come back here today, as I complete a year of practice with earth ki.
I can say now it feels different and good that I am not feeling “caught up” in trying to experience any “phenomenon or experience” on my physical body and attach with how “good my meditations” are..
Now the “phenomenon” really is not on my “physical self” but more so on mind in my day to day life and how I handle different situations and how worry , fear etc. sort of drift away..
Feel great to feel this grounded ness inside me :).
Can you explain the term ‘tenohiro’ I have not come upon that word before.
Hi Miriam, Teate and Tenohira means palm healing (hands on healing) in Japanese.
These were the words used at Usui-san’s time.
I LOVE this! Beautifully expressed.