Reprinted with permission from Buddhist Information Thus Have I heard: At one time the Blessed One was living at Rajagriha …
Researching Reiki training from a Japanese viewpoint
If you ask people what it might mean to research the system of Reiki you will get many different ideas, …
The Dogma of Reiki Treatments
Dogma; something that is considered to be absolutely true. Since we entered the world of Reiki we have seen many …
‘Focus’ and the System of Reiki
When we get angry or worried we immediately lose focus; focus of the present moment, and focus of who we …
Reiki and Compassion
As students of Japanese Reiki, healers and practitioners, compassion is an essential part of what we do. But what is …
Sutras and the System of Reiki
What is the relationship between sutras and the system of Reiki? Sutras First, what IS a sutra? A sutra refers …
Die Wahrheit über Yin und Yang
Yin und Yang gelten als Gegensätze in der chinesischen Philosophie. Yin soll beispielsweise für das Weibliche, Passive, Dunkle, Kalte, Feuchte, …
Animal Reiki Stories – Jeb (lessons from an elder)
Jeb Janet Dobbs is Highly Commended in our Animal Reiki Stories competition and has won herself an online course by …
Practising Earth Energy
or how not to be a leaf in the wind Earth energy? Don’t the pagans have a monopoly on that? …
National Reiki Retreat Experience
National Reiki Retreat 2008: Discovering Oneness with the Cane-toads Glorious sunshine, fresh rainforest air and magical ocean views – Mission …