The system of Reiki, founded in Japan in the early 1900s, aims to support you on a journey of self discovery.
We invite you to study this unique style of Reiki course called Usui Reiki Ryoho as researched by the founders of the International House of Reiki, Frans Stiene and Bronwen Logan.
If your interest is in getting back to what was taught in Japan before it hit the West in 1938 and became associated with the new age movement in the 1980s – then this is the course for you!
Our three levels of the system of Reiki include a mixture of online and in-person training to ensure that students receive a complete training before moving on to the next level. Added to this, students often have the opportunity (depending upon their region) to attend regular practice groups.
There are three levels in the system and we also provide a transition course for those who have trained with other centres before coming to us:
Shoden Reiki Level I
Learn to heal yourself and others too
Okuden Reiki Level II
Develop your personal practice and gain Professional Practitioner status
Shinpiden Reiki Level III
Delve deeper into your personal practise and learn tools to become a Reiki Teacher
Reiki Transition Courses
Gain entry to a Level II or III IHReiki course with these “catch up” trainings
International House of Reiki Courses
The difference between International House of Reiki Courses and regular Reiki courses is that the initiation process, course information and techniques taught stem directly from Japan rather than via the West. The teachings also have a different focus than modern forms of the system of Reiki. The focus is on personal development and spirituality. The International House of Reiki’s aim is to connect all practitioners with Reiki’s true spiritual depth.
Click this link if you would like to know why you should choose an International House of Reiki course.
Length of Courses
All of the Reiki courses at the International House of Reiki include in-person classes where students attend a workshop as well as follow-up online teachings at the Ki Campus. Traditionally, it was considered that each of these courses was an introduction to that level only – consequently a supremely high level of ongoing support is offered to all students of the International House of Reiki.
Students receive their certificates once they have completed the in-person training plus there are also follow-up online teachings at the Ki Campus.