Online Program | 21 Day Reiki Program


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It’s easy – just sign up and everyday, for 21 days, you will receive an email in your inbox that will teach, support and guide you in your healing and spiritual self-practice. Read about the daily practices you can learn and listen to Bronwen Logan as she guides you through them.

Who is it for?

This program is suited to everybody! You don’t even have had to study Reiki to do it.

  • If you’ve always wanted to study with the International House of Reiki but haven’t been able to get to them in person – then here’s your chance.
  • If you need support with your Reiki practice but don’t have a practice group in your area or no longer receive guidance from your teacher – then this program is just what you’re looking for.
  • If you’re interested in the traditional Japanese practices of the system of Reiki – you will be guided by the wisdom and knowledge of the program’s practices.
  • If you’ve read The Reiki Sourcebook or The Japanese Art of Reiki and want to know how to integrate this information into your life – throw yourself into this three week workout.
  • And finally if you’d like to change something in your life that feels stagnant and dull – you’ve come to the right place.

Why take part in the 21-Day Reiki Program?

  • Get more out of the system of Reiki!
  • Initiate change in your life.
  • Learn how to create a personal practice routine.
  • Deepen your current spiritual practice.
  • Find out about the Japanese aspects of the system of Reiki.
  • On a daily basis (for 21-days) be supported by down-to-earth and well researched Reiki information.

Reiki courses are taking place all around the world – right at this very moment. Reiki’s popularity is due to people realizing the profound value of developing their self-healing abilities and their spiritual depth.

This 21-Day Reiki Program is going to move your energy. That means you’re going to start changing – and it can happen in all manner of ways. Follow the program to delve deeply into yourself, learning to be open to change and healing.

What Is It?

Each day, for 21 days, you will receive an email that guides you on a journey of self-healing. An intense period that uses elements of the system of Reiki to:

  • Initiate clearing in the body. This is energetic in nature but also stimulates physical and mental clearing. Clearing is when energy moves (due to the practices you undertake) allowing change to occur. We all need to accept change into our lives and here are the gateways to open yourself up to it. Walk through them supported by the Reiki practices traditionally developed by the Japanese founder Usui Mikao and his students.
  • Support you in developing a regular routine. Ongoing practice is the highest form of training you can take. It is not always possible for you to have a teacher in your area.
  • Teach you about the practices from a Japanese influenced perspective. The International House of Reiki has a special interest in researching the system of Reiki from its Japanese background.
  • Teach you about clearing from culturally diverse backgrounds. Apart from a traditional Reiki approach to clearing there are also suggestions and directions from various cultures to broaden your understanding of the process you are undertaking. In this manner you will also begin to see that clearing is a natural part of the human existence.

What does the 21-Day Reiki Program include?

Gradually over the three weeks you learn to incorporate four full routines into your daily personal practice. An email a day describes these routines and how they benefit you. Below is an example of what you study during the 21 days of the program. The routines are developed so that you bring their practices together and develop confidence and a good practice habit throughout the last two weeks. By practising and following the directions of the daily emails you will find that you have undergone an intense clearing. After the program you will also feel well prepared to continue working on your self-healing and personal spiritual development.

Routine 1. Gokai – The Five Precepts.

This is the very first point of call for all Reiki practitioners. Listen to the gokai being read aloud in Japanese and learn a traditional translation of these five precepts in English. Varied techniques are taught to develop your inner understanding of the precepts from a Japanese and a personal perspective.

Routine 2. Techniques

Hatsurei-Hô, a traditional Japanese Reiki practice, is taught step by step. Building up the entire practice over the first week and then expanding the length of time it is practiced over the last two weeks. The Reiki Hô CD created by the International House of Reiki teaches this practice. It is a support tool for the 21-Day Reiki Program and your post-program work.

Routine 3. Tenohira – Hand Positions

Hand positions are another daily practice that, in conjunction with the gokai and Hatsurei-Hô, will shift your energy. Japanese history and concepts. The Reiki Tenohira CD created by the International House of Reiki teaches this practice. It is a support tool for the 21-Day Reiki Program and your post-program work.

Routine 4. Writing

Each day you are encouraged to write a daily page to support your clearing. The benefits and methods are described too.

Is this a Reiki Course?

No, it is not a Reiki course. This is a support for those who have completed Reiki courses or for anyone interested in clearing practices and initiating change in their lives. No Reiki experience is necessary and you do not receive any form of certification for completing the 21-Day Reiki Program as it is a support for students rather than a course.

What happens when I’ve finished the 21-Day Program?

We hope you will be motivated to continue your practices that you studied during the three weeks of the program. There is a forum at the International House of Reiki website solely for members of the program.

Do I need to have studied with the International House of Reiki to do the 21-Day Reiki Program?

No, you do not need to have completed any courses with the International House of Reiki to take part in this online course.

Where does this program originate from?

The 21-Day Reiki Program is based on the program taught by the International House of Reiki to its students and written of by the centre’s founders in their second book, The Japanese Art of Reiki.

Are there tools to support me during the 21-Day Reiki Program?

Yes, there are certain tools to help you if you so wish. At our  Reiki Shop we have developed products to support Reiki Practitioners and many of them will support the 21-Day Reiki Program.

Reiki Ho CD
A guided practice of the traditional Japanese Reiki technique Hatsurei Hô with Japanese-inspired meditation music

Reiki Tenohira CD
A guided practice of the Reiki Hand Positions for the Self with meditation music

Reiki Kan CD
Music for Intuitive Reiki Treatments and Meditations

Reiki Precepts Japanese
This professionally designed A4 size light gloss poster is a perfect present for yourself or students.

BOOK – The Japanese Art of Reiki
The Japanese Art of Reiki offers you practical guidance for personal development and healing within the system of Reiki.

BOOK – The Reiki Sourcebook
Basically the most comprehensive book on the system of Reiki ever published, this book will become an invaluable book for Reiki novices, students and teachers alike.

You may wish to order these products from our Reiki Shop to support your 21-day Program and the work you will be asked to continue with after the 21 days is over.

Can I Repeat the 21 day Reiki program?

You certainly can. This is an intense workout for change. Any time that you feel you need to stimulate change in your life – sign up! It will remind you DAILY to work on yourself! The excuse ‘I forgot’ becomes no longer valid. Here you can help yourself with support – and remember the only person who can do your healing is YOU.