Teleclass | Being Reiki

Associated Courses


Today the words “Being Reiki” are commonly spoken of. But what does it mean to BE Reiki?
In this one-hour teleclass , Frans Stiene senior Reiki Teacher at the International House of Reiki will talk about:
What Being Reiki means.
How you can move from DOING Reiki to BEING Reiki and why you would want to do so.
How to better integrate the system of Reiki into your daily life
How to eventually BE Reiki every moment of your life.


Today the words “Being Reiki” are commonly spoken of. But what does it mean to BE Reiki?
In this one-hour teleclass, Frans Stiene senior Reiki Teacher at the International House of Reiki will talk about:
What Being Reiki means.
How you can move from DOING Reiki to BEING Reiki and why you would want to do so.
How to better integrate the system of Reiki into your daily life
How to eventually BE Reiki every moment of your life.

Logging on to the Ki Campus to Listen

If you haven’t visited the International House of Reiki’s Ki Campus before, then now is the time to do so. Here you will find your online course. To access the Ki Campus just click on this link and you can set a password for yourself.

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