21 Day Hara Developing Meditation Journey | 7 November – 27 November 2022


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This live online video 21 Day meditation journey is all about developing the hara, our centre. During these strange and exciting times it is very important to remember how to centre and ground ourselves and these ancient Japanese meditation practices which focus on the hara, a centre just below your navel, are the perfect tool for this.

The more we feel grounded and centred within our body the less we start to feel angry and worried, this in turn will help us to soften our stress and the feeling of being too much in our head.

“What we need most is a way by which we can find quiet, peace, and calm within ourselves while in the midst of turmoil. We need a point to focus on which will bring calmness, and through which our total life will be uplifted. We need to find a point within ourselves which will give us mental and physical balance, and at the same time be the source whereby we can experience the ultimate sense of harmony with the universe. The Japanese refer to that focus point as the hara. When we focus on this point, calmness and meaning will be brought into our hectic and often traumatic life.”
– The Art and the Way of Hara by Seigen Yamaoka

Frans has been working with these meditation practices for over 20 years and will guide us through this journey, deep into our centre.

Teacher: Reiki Author and Teacher Frans Stiene

Who can attend: Anyone

Length: 21 x 30 minutes

Can’t Attend?: Don’t worry, a recording of the class will be available at the same online venue shortly afterwards. Each recording will only be made available for a week.

Venue: Online at Ki Campus (you will receive password notification when you book in)

7 November – 27 November 2022

Amsterdam 10pm
London 9pm
Los Angeles 1pm
New York 4pm
Sydney 8am (next day)

To check what time the retreat is on at your local time, you can use this time converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

Some feedback from the previous 21 day classes:

Thank you so much for the 21 day esoteric meditation practice.  It was so great to get together with people from all over the world to share and meditate. After 2020 and continuing… I found it very supportive and a great help in motivating me to continue meditating. I loved the practice itself. Its duration helped deepen my own personal practice and helped ground me.  It made me more aware of my own physicality and the energy within. My whole body was still buzzing with energy long after the meditation finished. – Christine

I loved it too and to add that I do the recording each morning as I can’t join live…yet, I feel like no time/space separation and like I was there with you all on the night before. Looking forward to Hatsurei ho Meditation soon. These 21 days sessions have been so so special. Daniela P

I really enjoyed this 21 day meditation!! It is much more fun doing it with a group and you of course Frans. I always learn soo much more than just the meditation we are practicing, and I really appreciate the laughs, especially in these challenging times! Katie D