by Frans Stiene Within Okuden Reiki II we have the mantra and symbol hon sha ze sho nen 本者是正念 which …
Reiki Meditations
by Frans Stiene Within the system of Reiki we have different styles of meditation practices; some utilize mantras and others …
Frans Stiene being interviewed by Diana Fels
Reiki Practice with Frans Stiene and Diana Fels What an amazing live in-person chat with Frans Stiene, a teacher of …
Frans Stiene interviewed by Bold Journey
Wie lange üben wir?
Von Frans Stiene Mir wird oft die Frage gestellt: Wie lange müssen wir üben? Nehmen wir zum Beispiel die Praxis …
Experience and Realization
by Frans Stiene When we practice the system of Reiki we often look for and chase after experiences. Some things …
How Long Do We Practice For?
By Frans Stiene I often get asked the question: how long do we have to practice for? Let’s take for …
Meet Frans Stiene
Frans Stiene being interviewed by Canvas Rebel about his journey into the system of Reiki. Click here to go to …
Reiki Retreat
by Dennis Fox I recently attended Frans Stiene’s The Way of Reiki workshop in Cincinnati. The workshop was four days …