Aussie Reiki Retreat | Mission Beach | 25-30 August 2019

Sanctuary Retreat 72 Holt Rd, Garners Beach, Mission Beach, Queensland, Australia

Focus on esoteric Japanese practices to stimulate and define your Reiki practise. Immerse yourself in an intense 4 days of deep spiritually energetic work.

Be supported by your fellow students who practice the same teachings as you and by the Reiki teachers, Frans and Bronwen Stiene.

This retreat focuses on delving deeper into your Reiki and/or Meditation journey through the practices of Japanese Esoteric meditations and healing techniques.

The retreat is perfect for anyone who is interested in deepening their meditation practice or spiritual journey.


Women’s Healing Retreat | Blue Mountains | 8-10 November 2019

Tomah Retreat, Blue Mountains, NSW Australia Charleys Rd, Mt Tomah, NSW, Australia

We will watch the sun rise together
We will cook together, eat together and make ready again together
We will walk together, sit together, laugh together, talk together and be still together
We will gather around the fire pit at night and burn away that which we no longer need to leave space for the new and old
We will celebrate our female individuality and the potency of women gathering together
We will recognise our archetypes and soothe and nurture our true selves
We will feed our creativity
We will sit in peace in the meditation tree, we will walk the living labyrith, we will catch our breath on the breeze from the treehouse
We will find balance in the beautiful nature of Mount Tomah, reminding our spirits of the interconnectedness of everything

Come and regain your strength and joy in life over this long weekend.

€75 – €295

Sydney | 3 Day The Way of Reiki Retreat | 5-7 August 2022

Newtown Neighbourhood Centre 1 Bedford Street, Newtown, NSW, Australia

Learn very specific meditations that will help you gain a better understanding of Mikao Usui’s teachings and noticeably deepen your Reiki and/or Meditation journey.He will also hold an expanded space so you can have a direct experience of your own inner light.

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