The course is in English
2 Day The Way of Reiki Retreat
The Way of Reiki Retreat is the perfect prescription for any practitioner or teacher, new or experienced, and from any lineage, especially those who are feeling:
By combining traditional Japanese Reiki practices and esoteric Japanese practices on which Mikao Usui based his teachings, Frans teaches us the why and how to practice to get the right results and what are those right results: to lay bare our big bright light.
The Way of Reiki retreat includes:
Side effects may include a profound change within yourself accompanied by feelings of luminosity and interconnection, the sensation of coming home, and a deeper understanding of the system of Reiki. In the long term, the retreats may cause a letting go of anger and worry and an increase in gratitude, authenticity, and compassion towards yourself and others.
Practitioners exposed to Frans’ joyful way of teaching may also experience increased levels of laughter and happiness.
This retreat is highly compatible with Frans’ new book: The Way of Reiki – The Inner Teachings of Mikao Usui.
Frans Stiene has been teaching the system of Reiki worldwide for over 20 years and has trained with lots of different Reiki teachers. Since 2012, he’s trained with a Japanese priest who lives in Japan to understand better the tools used within the system of Reiki.
Want to discover what Frans does after hours. Spoiler alert: he is pretty much as high-energy and light-hearted as in class unless there is music. Then …the show is on!
Accommodation & Meals
Meals and accommodation are not included in the course fee.
Payments are non-refundable but you are welcome to move the course or retreat to a future date. Please see our website Refund Policy.
Organizer Ornela Ritter
Email: [email protected]