Reiki Courses in Europe
The International House of Reiki teaches three levels of Reiki courses; Shoden Level I, Okuden Level II and Shinpiden Level III. Join these classes and experience our unsurpassed high quality graduation program including in-person training, online training and practice groups.
Or take advantage of our Reiki Retreats and Intensives, our pre-recorded teachings and meditations, as well as our online courses.
Shoden is a Japanese word meaning 'first teachings'. These are the first teachings of the system of Reiki. In our practical Shoden courses you will learn how to help yourself with a daily healing practice and how you can also help your friends and family using Japanese healing techniques.
Okuden is a Japanese word meaning 'inner teachings'. As the word implies, a deeper understanding and connection to Usui Mikao’s teachings is achieved during this course. Utilizing Japanese principles, this level teaches how to connect to Earth and Heaven energy; the first steps to becoming fully integrated with the universe. This is achieved through the practice of shirushi (symbols) and jumon (mantras). This level will also support you in becoming a professional Reiki practitioner if that is your interest.
- There are no upcoming events.
Shinpiden is the Japanese word for ‘mystery teachings’. It is aimed at Level II practitioners or established Reiki Teachers who wish to continue their personal journey, a journey that is ongoing long after you complete the Shinpiden course. It is therefore not just about teaching and is even suitable for those who wish to simply develop their personal Reiki practise and occasionally teach those around them.
Reiki Intensives and Retreats are special days that the International House of Reiki has created to support people in learning more about the system of Reiki and associated practices. Some Retreats are specifically for our students while others are open to all Reiki practitioners.
There are a number of ways that you can study with the International House of Reiki apart from our in-person classes.
Apart from our Upcoming Webclasses you will find:
- Recordings of Pre-Recorded Reiki Teachings and Meditations by Reiki Teachers, Frans Stiene or Bronwen Logan (Stiene).
- Online teachings and meditation sessions can be booked live with Reiki Teachers, Frans Stiene or Bronwen Logan (Stiene).
- Our popular Correspondence programs, which include recorded audio teachings by Bronwen Logan (Stiene), sent in emails to your inbox in regular intervals.