If you study with the International House of Reiki do you have to stand under waterfalls or walk mountain paths in traditional Japanese Shugendo clothing like senior Reiki teacher Frans Stiene has been doing?
In short – no.
Frans has been developing his understanding of traditional Japanese practices related to those that the founder of the system of Reiki undertook. He is doing this for his own personal development and to add to his knowledge and experience base as a Reiki teacher.
So, what sort of things DO you study with the International House of Reiki?
The International House of Reiki is honoured to be able to teach a traditional Japanese form of the system of Reiki in a down-to-earth manner while still encapsulating the deep spirituality of the system.
Basically, IHReiki prides itself on its professionalism, student support systems and strong ethics.
The centre teaches both personal development as well as professional Reiki skills as a practitioner and teacher. The different streams of teaching are available depending upon the students’ needs.
What you Learn
Shoden Reiki Level I
(currently only available in Australia)
How to work with the Reiki precepts to balance your daily life.
Traditional Japanese Reiki mindfulness meditations to help you to stay focused during the day.
The inner/hidden (Japanese Ura) understanding of Hands on healing on yourself and others.
Plus the inner/hidden meaning of how to heal yourself.
You also receive 4 traditional Japanese initiations, which helps you to have an initial experience of your true self/Reiki.
(available in Australia, North America, Europe and UK)
The inner/hidden meaning of the Shinpiden Reiki Level III symbol and mantra
We explore the 4 mantras as we look at each individual sound of each mantra so that you get a very clear idea why we practice it and why Usui-san put these in the system of Reiki.
You learn the initiation methods but not only that you will learn the inner/hidden teachings about these initiations. Plus we will practice these on each other.
Japanese Reiki mindfulness meditations which build upon the Okuden level II meditations, so that you can delve deeper into your own true self/Reiki.
You also receive multiple traditional Japanese initiations, which helps you to have an initial experience of your true self/Reiki.
How to teach the system of Reiki.
How to delve deeper into your own personal spiritual practice to deepen your own understanding of the system of Reiki.
Many of these inner/hidden teachings are not taught in any of the other Reiki schools as they have come from the International House of Reiki’s own research into Japan about Mikao Usui’s teachings. Find out more here.
Why Existing Reiki Teachers Take our Classes
Many existing Reiki teachers take our courses and after learning these inner/hidden teachings feel a dramatic shift in their own teachings, hands on healing session, initiations, and personal spiritual development.
The teachings are often referred to as the missing pieces of the jigsaw puzzle or the glue that brings the teachings together.
And to help all teachers prepare to take our Shinpiden Reiki Level III class we provide a free online tranistion course for them at the Ki Campus!
We even encourage our graduates to use our fully comprehensive manuals with their own students and bring their students along to our private Student Retreats and onto the Ki Campus as well. Graduates can be listed on our website too!
We have developed numerous ways to provide ongoing support to our students:
Extra personal teachings – as Frans has been training in Japan with different Japanese teachers he is willing to also teach students specific meditations/practices if they are interested to support their Reiki journey from these related traditions.
Additional classes – we teach one-day intensives for students as well as regular practice groups in some areas to help keep everyone on track with their study. There are also our annual Reiki Retreats all around the world!
The Ki Campus – this online teaching resource has been developed by us to give all students the continued opportunity for continued learning with their peers and teachers. There are post-course teachings as well as interesting forums on all variety of subjects to keep you wanting more.
Just being there! We make sure we’re available to help out with answering questions and just being there for you when you need it. You can simply email questions or book in for one hour private teachings skype classes, 1/2 hour meditations classes, or 1/2 distant healing sessions.
IHReiki’s founders, Frans and Bronwen Stiene, are renowned Reiki researchers and are the authors of a number of critically acclaimed Reiki books.
Frans was recently named About.com’s Reader’s Choice Favourite Reiki Teacher of the Year!
Thank you Ihreiki ( Frans and Bronwen) for sharing your teachings , wisdom and compassion.
Your teachings help me every day to become a clearer vehicle as I find polishing myself every day like a piece of coal and see myself in a clearer light.
You are always available , willing to share your knowledge and helping for those who are willing to work on themselves as that’s what it is all about.
Feel always respected , safe in my own practice without feeling of judgement or intimidated . You always relate at what level I am in my practice and help me grow from there not too fast , not too slow – just perfect just the way it should be.
Feel humbled , with gratitude
During each class we go into the essence of the system of Reiki. For me it is all about the direct experience, this can happen in our classes because of the way we have structured them. Each practice and technique will build upon the other so that we can have life changing experiences during the class. Therefore the classes in them self are healing and transformative.
We focus as much as possible on Usui-san’s teachings, many teachers focus on Hayashi or Mrs Takata which is wonderful but for me Usui-san is so much more important as he is the root of the system of Reiki.
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Comments 2
Thank you Ihreiki ( Frans and Bronwen) for sharing your teachings , wisdom and compassion.
Your teachings help me every day to become a clearer vehicle as I find polishing myself every day like a piece of coal and see myself in a clearer light.
You are always available , willing to share your knowledge and helping for those who are willing to work on themselves as that’s what it is all about.
Feel always respected , safe in my own practice without feeling of judgement or intimidated . You always relate at what level I am in my practice and help me grow from there not too fast , not too slow – just perfect just the way it should be.
Feel humbled , with gratitude
During each class we go into the essence of the system of Reiki. For me it is all about the direct experience, this can happen in our classes because of the way we have structured them. Each practice and technique will build upon the other so that we can have life changing experiences during the class. Therefore the classes in them self are healing and transformative.
We focus as much as possible on Usui-san’s teachings, many teachers focus on Hayashi or Mrs Takata which is wonderful but for me Usui-san is so much more important as he is the root of the system of Reiki.