True Self

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True Self 
By Frans Stiene
In Hiroshi Doi’s book Iyashi no Gendai Reiki Ho we find a statement about Mikao Usui’s teachings. Below we find the Japanese text from Doi-san’s book, which he took from a  “Leaflet of Reiki Ryoho –Members Only” 会員のみに配布する霊気療法のしおり This leaflet was issued by the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai when Wanami sensei was the 5th president.
臼井先生は「天地自然の真理に基づく修養は人間を大きくする」 と教えられ、「この心理を自分のものとして確信を持つならば、修練のいかんによっては自ずとその言動は宇宙と一体となり、また自然に、絶対無限の働きを現すことができるようになる。これがすなわち、人間本来の姿である」と教えておられます。
Hiromi Hayashi translated it as follows:
Usui sensei has taught that “a training based on the truth of heaven and earth (e.g., natural world, universe) will bring maturation of a person”.  He has also taught that “if one entrusts in this notion wholeheartedly as the Way, dependent on the practice, speech and conduct will see unification with the universe, and thus naturally, the manifestation of infinite abilities will be realized.  This is the true self of a human being.”

In Hiroshi Doi’s book Iyashi no Gendai Reiki Ho we find a statement about Mikao Usui’s teachings. Below we find the Japanese text from Doi-san’s book, which he took from a  “Leaflet of Reiki Ryoho –Members Only” 会員のみに配布する霊気療法のしおり This leaflet was issued by the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai when Wanami sensei was the 5th president.

臼井先生は「天地自然の真理に基づく修養は人間を大きくする」 と教えられ、「この心理を自分のものとして確信を持つならば、修練のいかんによっては自ずとその言動は宇宙と一体となり、また自然に、絶対無限の働きを現すことができるようになる。これがすなわち、人間本来の姿である」と教えておられます。
Hiromi Hayashi translated it as follows:
Usui sensei has taught that “a training based on the truth of heaven and earth (e.g., natural world, universe) will bring maturation of a person”.  He has also taught that “if one entrusts in this notion wholeheartedly as the Way, dependent on the practice, speech and conduct will see unification with the universe, and thus naturally, the manifestation of infinite abilities will be realized.  This is the true self of a human being.”


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