Reiki Podcast Interview “The Art of Shakuhachi, Music for Reiki”

Bronwyn Kirkpatrick
Music has often played a role in the system of Reiki.
It has been used to help practitioners and clients move into a deeper meditative state and to clear the mind. You may find it utilised during a Reiki treatment or even during a Reiki class with the aim of creating an ambience that supports inner healing.
Frans and Bronwen Stiene interview Bronwyn Kirkpatrick, a shihan (master) of the shakuhachi. The shakuhachi is a traditional Japanese bamboo flute that was created over 1200 years ago to support Japanese Zen monks in their meditations.
According to Bronwyn’s website ” The name “shakuhachi” literally means 1.8 feet but the shakuhachi can range from 1 to over 3 feet in length. The history of the shakuhachi has been colourful and varied, ranging from its use as a spiritual tool by Zen Buddhist monks to its use as a weapon and as a cover for spying by samurai warriors!”
Bronwyn has a created a CD that consists solely of this unique instrument, which works amazingly with the Reiki experience. The distinctly Japanese flow, ebb and unique sound of the music has been specifically designed to take the listener to a place of inner quietude where healing can take place.
As a fellow Japanese Art, the system of Reiki could ask for no better accompaniment.
The International House of Reiki uses this profound music in both its treatments and classes. You can sample Bronwyn’s CD Moon here:
Listen to a sample of the “Moon” CD
Bronwyn’s Moon CD
Bronwyn also talks about:
- How the shakuhachi is all about subtleties and tone colours rather than multitudes of notes.
- How its limited number of notes (totalling 5) take the listener on a journey that couples the healing qualities of sound and breath.
- Becoming One with the instrument and sound and turning the mind off.
- Getting to the point spiritually and technically to allow your mind to get out of the way.
- The benefits that the listener and performer receive from working with the shakuhachi.
- About her study in Japan that worked at internalising a traditional Zen Buddhist musical piece, with the aim that it became an expression of her essence.
- What playing the shakuhachi has meant to her life.
Here is a link to Bronwyn Kirkpatrick’s website.
Bronwen and Frans Stiene are the co-founders of the International House of Reiki and co-authors of The Reiki Sourcebook, The Japanese Art of Reiki, Your Reiki Treatment, The A-Z of Reiki Pocketbook and the Reiki Techniques Card Deck. Bronwen and Frans teach in the USA, Europe and Australia. Visit the Courses page to find a course near you.