Thunderbolt and lightning, Very, very frightening me – Bohemian Rhapsody”, lyrics by Freddie Mercury
Well, not too frightening but very confusing. Why? My second start in Reiki life introduced me to Level II Reiki in what I didn’t know was a non-traditional way. Precisely, what does that mean?
My first level one course and subsequently my retake of it about 10 years later laid the foundation of Reiki principles with little twists, legends and nuances interspersed with facts. It was fine. Hand positions lacked in the first round of Reiki I were picked up in Reiki I retake. All good, all good.
After practicing and being evaluated, I was permitted to sit for Level II. Nervous, yes. Overwhelmed, yes. This was the mystery school part with introductions to mantras and symbols. I wanted to get it correct. I needed to get it right.
Chokurei, Seheki, and Hon Sha Za Sho Nen[1]. Symbols and their mantra. Chokurei, the power symbol, used to spread the energy out; Seheki, used for emotional and mental clearing, and Hon Sha Za Sho Nen used for conducting absentee healing representing either “the Source within my recognizes The Source with you” or “Having no present, past, or future”. As a former student of Chinese calligraphy, I memorized the symbols carefully, studying the stroke count and form. Especially interesting was the Chokurei symbol which was presented to be drawn part vertically and part horizontally – two dimensional unlike those Asian symbols and words I have drawn in the past.
And finally, the thunderbolt symbol used for both the master and master teacher levels – the highest level having a few more zigzags added on. Enlightenment has finally descended into my being! Ah!
Well, not so fast. Something felt odd about this, and I couldn’t put my finger on it. For my graduation gift from obtaining the master level, I went to the local metaphysical store to purchase crystals that had the symbols I have come to study and believe in. I promptly returned them when I noticed they were “wrong”. How could I have purchased these when the symbols were backwards, convoluted and having an erroneous master symbol on them – and where was that master teacher symbol. Honestly, I was truly in shock.
But it got me to thinking – why was it that anything (wall-hangings, etc.) with Reiki symbols printed on it were totally different from my learnings. And why were my instructions asking me to thrust more force to healing energy because I had the “power”.
Reiki – Part III
June 5, 2018 was to be a turning point in my Reiki awareness. I attended an evening talk by Frans Steine at the Long Island Healing Arts Center. Imagine my stupefaction, when this Senior Teacher presented in a jovial yet extremely serious manner the practice of Reiki. As I somehow had been seated next to him, I could feel the energy of his presence and then, was completely in awe when he began to chant, really chant. I went home, my body continued to vibrate to the core of my being. How can this be? How did the chanting I learned for a brief moment in studies pale in comparison and what was it that moved me, settled into my soul? It was then I decided to ask to learn, to become a student of Frans – and so I humbly applied and was accepted for class one year later.
It has changed my life.
Relearning the symbols in the correct writing, the mantras, and their related jumon, and not only the precepts but the powerful meaning of each of the five precepts has added a dimension to my life that has instilled a deeper embodiment of being Reiki, not just giving it. Receiving initiation with the historical symbols of Usui Reiki Ryoho by Frans was powerful.
In preparation for the Transition to Shinpiden class, I became engrossed in the simplicity and yet the profound meaning of these symbols. During and after class, I began the chanting of the Precepts in Japanese and continued to study and apply the symbols and mantras/jumon of each of the symbols going forward.
As advised by Frans I took to a more in-depth study of Symbol 1 which I continue to this day. First the spiral symbol, energy coming down and grounding in my hara. It truly grounds my day by chanting the jumon CKR and visualizing the symbol, knowing and feeling its meaning of focus, bringing clarity to begin the day and centering during the chaotic times during the day. The spiral trains my mind to steady my energy in the hara, bringing me into a more solid existence in which I can center my Reiki essence, my true self. If I happen to lose that connection during the day to unawareness, my balance is off, my focus is lost. When I catch it and go back to that chanted mantra, that remembering of the symbol in my mind, I feel unified and balanced once again.
Every day I begin my training in CKR after Precepts. It gives me a peace – a grounding for which the day has meaning for me and which I do turn to throughout the day and ending it in the evening noticing that my “wobbling” becomes less and less each day.
I appreciate Symbol 2’s (SHK) characteristic of Harmony – instilling in me the awareness of tying in both earth and heaven but most importantly providing stimulation for my intuition. This has been very useful to me especially as I prepare for and during my Reiki sessions with clients. It allows me to free up my mind to sense the areas during Byosen Reikan Ho which may need more direct treatment. Meditating on it I feel by body connected both upwards and downwards to expand that energy throughout my body.
Symbol 3 whose jumon Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is extremely meaningful as during this pandemic I have been practicing more and more remote healing. Although the characteristic is Connection, I feel it goes deeper as if a soul to soul unification is involved. Chanting the jumon reverberation is felt throughout my body seemingly going out to the ethers and to all living things. The intonation seems to free the limitations of my physical body to embrace the client whether in person or remotely to the point where I don’t feel any separation between the person and me. Even concentrating and inwardly, silently chanting the mantra causes reverberation continuing to ripple on some time after.
The final symbol, Symbol 4 and the jumon (DKM) has been tremendously powerful to me. It has jetted into my heart and resides there ever glowing. This Great Bright Light has been intimidating to me as I do tend to fall into unworthiness to be allowed this gift. Contemplating and meditating on it brings warmth to my body and soul. It indeed fills me with this Great Bright Light, reminding me of the preciousness we have as healers to work with others. And yet, remembering the precepts, I am reminded to need to stay humble/grateful for this, be true to myself and my own being, and compassionate to myself and other sentient beings.
The Matras/Jumon and the Symbols have flooded my life in ways I could not have imagined. The rote teachings of the past learnings have blossomed with new meanings and aliveness. The system of Reiki for me is a system of life-giving, life-sustaining energy, not staid. It is a daily practice of meditation, chanting and reflection. A gift of peace and opening. A gift I truly treasure. 1 – the way my first teachers taught me the mantras.
Based in Australia, Bronwen Logan (Stiene) teaches the system of Reiki is co-founder of the International House of Reiki and Shibumi International Reiki Association as well as co-author of the critically acclaimed books The Reiki Sourcebook, The Japanese Art of Reiki, A-Z of Reiki Pocketbook, Reiki Techniques Card Deck and Your Reiki Treatment. Bronwen is also the voice of their audiobooks and of the Reiki meditations available in the shop.
Comments 2
Thank you for this writing this article. I have had a similar Reiki journey and shared many of the same experiences you have. Reiki has changed my life and by finding the right teacher (Frans Stiene) it has made all the difference for me. I wish the best of everything for you and thank you for sharing.
Thank you Helen for sharing your journey. I relate with what you have expressed so beautifully here. Reiki is so full of nuances. They are like fine tuning at a deep level.