A bright open sky Filled with stars Quiet and warm Wandering Feeling light Feeling peace A majestic tree standing in the …
Open to Receive
“I am open to receive whatever it is that I need in this exact moment in time.” I love this …
What does the International House of Reiki Teach?
If you study with the International House of Reiki do you have to stand under waterfalls or walk mountain paths …
The 15 year IHReiki Journey (Part 3 of 3)
This is a 3 part story documenting the journey of Bronwen and Frans Stiene and the International House of Reiki …
The 15 year IHReiki Journey (Part 2 of 3)
This is a 3 part story documenting the journey of Bronwen and Frans Stiene and the International House of Reiki …
The 15 year IHReiki Journey (Part 1 of 3)
This is a 3 part story documenting the journey of Bronwen and Frans Stiene and the International House of Reiki …
Studying Reiki with Frans Stiene
I first learnt the Western system of reiki locally here in Cairns, Australia. I really enjoyed my first courses and …
Why existing Reiki Teachers/Masters should take the IHReiki Shinpiden course
I have taken the IHReiki Shinpiden course seven times now, with my eighth time coming up in a few months. …
Help get Frans to Japan to study Shugendo
Frans Stiene is a committed Reiki teacher who, in July 2012, has the unique opportunity to begin Shugendo training in …
Reiki and the courage to change
Recently re-entering my daily life after the Washington, DC Shinpiden class, I was struck by the changes I’ve been able …