I was lucky enough to be able to attend the International House of Reiki’s 2008 UK Shinpiden course recently. We came from all corners of the Britain and Europe to the gorgeous village of Winchcombe where Frans Stiene taught a group of new students and returners over a three day weekend. Hostess Helen and her beautiful house were a wonderful team, making us feel at home and organising the weekend so it could run smoothly.
Shinpiden with Frans can be a real journey. This course is a non-stop hands-on tour of the system of Reiki. It dives straight into practising Reiki as a personal spiritual path, along with giving students the tools they require for teaching to the highest standard they can, if they decide they want to teach their own students.
This is Reiki with no add-ons. The course has integrity by the bucketful and gets into the essence of the system of Reiki without wasting time fudging the subject with side alleys. The way we walked was direct and pure. Reiki was running wild and free like fire and it was exciting to be taking part in it.
The course began gently on the first day. We took time to work with each of the precepts and then moved on to the symbols and mantras. We were shown how each element can be worked on in different ways so each person can find a method that suits their style. Frans teaches jumon chanting as another way to experience energies and the states of being contained in the system of Reiki. We raised the roof with our voices and the vibrations we created immersed us. Connections were made and concepts explored as they emerged in the class.
Day two accelerated as it saw us having fun with group work in the morning, exploring how we connect and relate to each other during healing and energy work. From the looks on faces around the room, it was clear that the freedom, connection and peace we found in this session made it a high point for many of us.
Receiving and giving attunements was next as we were given clear and thorough demonstrations of the attunement process followed by plenty of questions, answers and discussion. Working one to one was an intense experience for many of us. New and experienced level three practitioners found themselves busy exploring how the attunement is practiced and what it means in the system of Reiki. We delved into the ethics that surround energy work and the attunement. Working in a non-invasive and non-judgemental way was emphasised.
Day three gave us plenty of time to learn about the Reiju process by watching demonstrations unfold. We then got involved with giving and receiving Reiju blessings. The heart of Reiki practice allows us to engage with each other on a beautiful level of existence. There were many questions and the answers were relevant to each person. We thought about what wisdom means and how we should use it.
The teaching on this day was spacious, with discussion, clear description, demonstration, discussion, practice, more discussion and gentle feedback. Frans works to help each concept and practice become as clear as possible to each person. There is no pressure on this course and no need to hide. Sincere, open people will get results on this path.
During each day there were lots of questions, lots of practice, talking, laughing, loads of fun, more practice, eating, drinking, relaxing and even a little crying.
Words appear to me as I think about what Shinpiden is about.
Simplicity… Beauty… Clear path… Personal practice… Deepening journey… Self knowledge…
On this course there is plenty of substantial spiritual stuff to be working on. There is a lovely flow, with Reiki concepts sweeping smoothly into one another. The sky (or emptiness) truly is the limit and I think many of us discovered much deeper things than we expected. The potential of each person’s personal journey is very exciting.
Shinpiden can help experienced level 3 practitioners to intensify and simplify their practice and level 2 or 3 practitioners to embark on a deeper journey of personal exploration. This is a course where you can expand your knowledge of yourself. Space is abundant. There is space to be and space to do.
I’ve been working hard since I last attended this Shinpiden course 2 years ago. It has been completely worth it. Frans is very keen for students to practice. And he doesn’t mean random practice either. On the last day of the course he was very clear in his advice about what was really, really, REALLY, R_E_A_L_L_Y important – he’s talking about starting to work literally from the ground up, incidentally. He gives specific, simple exercises and practices that can bring real energetic growth to anybody who is willing to persevere and put a little time into them each day.
Everyone who attended the course was their own unique person and this means that we will have all taken different things away with us from it.
I can only talk personally here so here’s what have I come away with:
I feel a heightened awareness in my body. I feel physically good living in it.
My mind feels clear. It is much sharper than before.
I’m truly here in this present time and space and I’m pleased to be here.
I’ve been remembering things in my past that I’d forgotten all about. This is a time to reflect, process and then move gently on.
I have a clear idea of what I need to do next to keep walking along the path.
I know that I can find support from a real teacher, when I need it.
The outstanding thing for me was something that is so intangible that it would be impossible to advertise. It’s the quality of the energy that is available to work with. When we are working with our own energy it isn’t possible to be anything less that honest. I was priviledged to work with so many open, honest people.
The day after the course finished I arrived back at work and found a brochure on my desk advertising an IT conference. The headline said,
“The freedom to focus on what really matters”
That’s exactly what this Shinpiden course offers.