While practicing joshin kokyuho today with a friend, breathing in deeply into the hara, and breathing out through our body and our entire being, we gradually realized that, as we were breathing in and out, we were breathing in and out for the entire world, our family, our friends, our communities and beyond … The whole universe was taking those nice deep breaths, in and out, in harmony, and that included everyone, human beings, animals, plants, the earth and even the stars…. everything. We felt entering in sync with the rhythm of the universe. It was amazing!
Resting in that space, we moved on to reciting the Reiki precepts, one by one, breathing in and out deeply after each one of them, filling in, releasing, relaxing, and taking our time. We then moved on to hands on healing, placing our hands on our body wherever we were guided to.
At that moment, I realized that there is no difference between self-practice and practice for others: as we practice with ourselves, we also practice with the whole. This points to the direct experience that can be touched in so many different ways through practice.
My friend had reached out to me as she was feeling extremely anxious and powerless about the state of the world. By joining in self-practice, we felt a sense of inter-connectedness with the whole world. We came to recognize that we all play a part in it, and realized that whatever we do or think, big or small, does affect the whole, in positive or negatives ways. I guess we knew this already intellectually, but feeling this in our bodies, through the breath, was quite empowering and illuminating.
This made us also wonder: what is actually the self in self-practice? That self is our true self, the light of the big bright light. As we practice, our light grows and expands with the big bright light of the universe.
So, we can support the whole from our homes through personal practice. Personal practice is fundamental for the well-being of the whole. As we feel more centered, clear, stable and connected, we can perceive more clearly what we are supposed to do then have the strength and courage to act on it. There is no selfishness, luxury or self-indulgence there.
Based in Australia, Bronwen Logan (Stiene) teaches the system of Reiki is co-founder of the International House of Reiki and Shibumi International Reiki Association as well as co-author of the critically acclaimed books The Reiki Sourcebook, The Japanese Art of Reiki, A-Z of Reiki Pocketbook, Reiki Techniques Card Deck and Your Reiki Treatment. Bronwen is also the voice of their audiobooks and of the Reiki meditations available in the shop.
Comments 1
Hi Veronique,
thank you for that lovely message. I love the simplicity of it & I approach my self practice with a similar approach as in thinking of the world. I find “keeping it simple” helps me to clear my mind & help my body relax.
I also loved the reflection of our self, true self as part of the great light & once again it’s simplicity, I find with Reiki the simplicity of the practice leads to much deeper connection within, without over analyzing, complicating the process.
It also correlates for me as the recognition of the divine within ourselves & our connection to the divine, Christ consciousness etc much like the different faces of a cut diamond, they are all part of the whole. They say all roads lead to Rome, Reiki is a lovely path to walk. Regards Louella Jolly 🙂