There are many ways of translating the word Reiki, as kanji can have many different meanings.
Reiki 霊氣 is often literally translated as spiritual energy. Of course this spiritual energy is really who we are, our essence, our True Self. However, many people see this Reiki – spiritual energy as something external of themselves.
But let’s take a another look at the kanji for Reiki.
Rei 霊 can be simply translated as spirit, but according to the Buddhist Dictionary it also stands for inconceivable spiritual ability.
Ki 氣 simply translated can mean energy or breath, but it also stands for disposition.
Disposition means the inherent – the natural – qualities of our mind.
Thus, in a way we can say that Reiki means this: The natural quality of our mind is an inconceivable spiritual ability.
Most of the time we forget this natural quality; we may cover it up with anger, worry, fear, and all sorts of attachments. But by practicing the system of Reiki – by practicing the meditation practices – we can slowly lay bare our innate inconceivable spiritual ability.
And what are these meditation practices? They are chanting the precepts, chanting the mantras, meditating on the symbols, breathing meditation practices, hands-on/off healing in a state of meditation and performing or being part of reiju/atttument/initiation in a state of meditation.
Now we can also start to see that Reiki is really our True Self. Because by laying bare our True Self, our inner great bright light, we rediscover the natural quality of our mind, our inconceivable spiritual ability. And the more we lay bare our True Self, our Reiki, the more we can start to help others.
So instead of seeing Reiki as something external, let’s remember that our True Self, our spiritual disposition, our bright light, is always there inside of us to be rediscovered and to shine, for ourselves and others.
Based in Holland, Frans Stiene teaches in North America, Europe, UK, Australia and Asia.
Frans is also the author of Reiki Insights, it is the continuation of his previous book The Inner Heart of Reiki, taking your personal practice and understanding of the system of Reiki yet another step deeper.
Comments 1
I love this Frans. Thank you for always delving deeper with the whole system of Reiki. The timing of this blog post is “perfect” for me because I have been “sitting” with the Reiki Kanji to get a clearer meaning as I am creating a new website. My heart and hara/soul reacted in a beautiful way as I read the words, “inconceivable spiritual ability”. Wow! That is beautiful and profound.