Frans Stiene spoke at the Pro Reiki Congress earlier in the year in Gerstfeld Germany. Gerd Knieps of Pro Reiki had invited him and also was kind enough to give Frans a lift from Bonn. Thank you Gerd for organising such a wonderful congress.
Frans is teaching Reiki courses regularly in Germany – check them out here.
Based in Australia, Bronwen Logan (Stiene) teaches the system of Reiki is co-founder of the International House of Reiki and Shibumi International Reiki Association as well as co-author of the critically acclaimed books The Reiki Sourcebook, The Japanese Art of Reiki, A-Z of Reiki Pocketbook, Reiki Techniques Card Deck and Your Reiki Treatment. Bronwen is also the voice of their audiobooks and of the Reiki meditations available in the shop.