Within this short essay I would like to cover some of my personal considerations surrounding the importance of Reiju from a teacher’s perspective and what it is that I get from working with it.
Reiju and attunements are a particularly important aspect of and are one of the five key elements within the system of Reiki. Basically, they are rituals performed by a teacher with a student with the main purpose of energetically supporting the student’s progress.
Reiju can be translated as ‘spiritual blessing’ or ‘spiritual offering’. My personal view is that it provides this spiritual blessing or offering to both the teacher and student, for the ritual of Reiju is in essence the practice of that which the whole System of Reiki strives to achieve…. i.e. the blissful understanding and realisation of our interconnectedness with all and everything.
It is very important to note that the ritual is not considered simply a physical sequence of moves, it is also very much a facilitator for achieving a mental and spiritual state of awareness of the true self, the great bright light, the Buddha like state, an ego-less state of interconnectedness with the universe that is hidden within.
Looking specifically at Reiju as it is taught by the International House of Reiki, through experience it is clear that the ritual embraces aspects of each of the four remaining parts of the system of Reiki namely:
The precepts – by purifying of thought (through the practice of Kenyoku Ho) and the setting intention we let go of anger, worry, we remain humble, honest and compassionate.
Symbols and mantras – the use of the symbol and mantra for Dai Komyo when commencing the ritual facilitates a connection with one’s true nature, one’s great bright light.
Meditation and techniques – connecting and breathing into the hara, expanding from the hara (Joshin kokyu ho) and the holding of our clear intention throughout the ritual.
Hands on/off healing – the placing of hands at the hara (teacher) and at certain positions about the student.
The ritual therefore can be seen as immensely beneficial to both the teacher and the student. The teacher as he or she is ‘guided’ towards a state of interconnectedness and as a student through their exposure to the same harmony of mind, body and spirit/energy.
The ritual in essence is also very much aligned with the concept of a state of being known as Anshin Ritsumei, whereby one who has attained this state is able ‘to stay calm and peaceful without any attachment or expectation after having surrendered to the divine will’. It is suggested that Mikao Usui achieved a state of Anshin Ritsumei on Mt Kurama and that he developed the System of Reiki as his method for others wishing to attain the same state of mind.
Having perhaps achieved Anshin Ritsumei, Mikao Usui was able to fully embody the aspect of at-one-ment and the interconnectedness between himself, the student and the universe. Therefore, for him the actual physical ritual of Reiju was probably not necessary. To simply sit or to be within his presence would have provided the student with the exposure to the harmony of mind, body and spirit/energy, which would support their development and unfoldment towards the same experience and understanding.
The physical ritual aspect of reiju therefore appears to have possibly been introduced by Mikao Usui to facilitate the movement of a less experienced teacher into the space of connectedness with which they could then facilitate both their own and their student’s growth.
Indeed, I have found that the practice of Reiju to be very beneficial in my understanding and deepening of my experiences within the System of Reiki. I have found that the use of the ritual of Reiju particularly before conducting an initiation/attunement, facilitates for me to enter a profound level of connection with my students. It makes a noticeable difference to my mind, body, spirit/energy experience which can easily be described as blissful. During the few minutes that it takes to complete the ritual, my students will be practicing Joshin Kokyu Ho which also facilitates their openness to the mind, body, spirit/energy experience presented during both the Reiju and the Attunement which follows.
It is also important for me to mention that the practice of Reiju supports and strengthens my practice of each of the four remaining parts of the system of Reiki.
Through the attainment of a far more focussed and peaceful state of mind;
My personal understanding of the meaning behind each of the precepts has become much fuller, deeper and relevant to my personal journey.
My connection to the symbols and their mantras has become more intimate, more balanced and more embodied.
During meditations and the practice techniques, one finds oneself moving quickly to a state of mind where the holding of intention and focus is becoming more and more extended, thus providing improved conditions for the unfoldment of the associated benefits intended from each practice.
Within the practice of hands on/off healing my connections with my clients feel much stronger. My intuitive working through the use of Reiji Ho and Byosen Reikan Ho techniques has become more accurate and beneficial for my clients
So to summarise then;
Mikao Usui appears to have carefully crafted a System of parts that all facilitate the unfoldment of the individual toward achieving a state of Anshin Ritsumei. The one part known as Reiju appears to have been introduced for the teacher to support the development of the individual in their understanding of the mind, body, spirit/energy experience within that unfoldment. The physical ritual of Reiju appears to provide the less experienced teacher with the vehicle to move towards the necessary state of mind to fulfil the intentions of the Reiju and so it can be seen as a supportive tool for both the teacher and student.
From a personal perspective I feel I have gained from the use of the ritual of Reiju in all aspects of my journey with the System of Reiki and within my personal spiritual unfoldment. This in turn provides for and facilitates a more supportive and understanding environment for the efficacious tutoring of students and hands on healing sessions with clients.
Comments 6
Beautiful, Sean!
I see this too that the Reiji is there as much for the teacher as it is there for the student, non-duality.
Wonderful article. Thank you! I have a question though. I was under the impression that Reiju is capable of replacing the ‘attunement’, and that ‘just’ Reiju is used to share and deepen thw gift of Reiki at each level (in the ihreiki school).
What are your opinions on only using Reiju, and the different styles of attunements?
Hi Frederic,
The word attunement came only into being after Mrs Takata’s dead. In Japan it has always been called a Reiju. Mrs Takata called it an initiation.
There are different rituals but the essence of the reiju/initiation/attunement is in our heart/mind.
You might like to read this article:
Hope this helps.
Thank you. That is a wonderful article and very close to how I experience Reiki also. Although I experience Reiki as different things in different moments. Sometimes as a lovely goddess of pure love, as something external, an ally on the path of expressing more truly the Self. A Goddess that teaches,guides and heals and invites relaxation and surrender. Other times I experience Reiki as Self, as the Radiant light of my Being. Yet at the best moments there is no Reiki, no Self. There just is…
Anyway I love the simplicity of Reiju as has been popularized by Hiroshi Doi and Chris Marsh. I’ve been trained to use the western ‘attunement’ but it feels so unwieldy and my intuition says Reiju suffice (since I can put my entire being into that, sharing, radiating the experiences and gifts of Reiki as have been given to me). Yet as a fresh teacher I want to give my students the best experience and it is a leap of faith to let go of what I have been taught initially.
Thank you
Hi Frederic,
Yes in a way reiki, our true self, is the universe and thus can be expressed in many different ways at different stages of the day.
Most important is to realize that the real reiju comes from our heart-mind, This means from the embodiment of the precepts, the embodiment of teh great bright light.
Thank you Frans.