New Book: The Inner Heart of Reiki – Rediscovering Your True Self

Frans StieneArticles, English 11 Comments


Frans has a book out, The Inner Heart of Reiki – Rediscovering Your True Self, which will be out in August 2015.


Below are some endorsements for his book:
“This is a must read for all students of the system of Reiki. Frans, through his research and practice has peeled away the myths about the system of Reiki and gives us a clear understanding of the Reiki Journey. He also shows how meditation practice is a fundamental part of the system. This book is just what the Reiki world needs, written by someone who walks his talk.”- Helen Galpin co-founder British School of Meditation

“Frans Stiene is one of the world’s premier Reiki teachers and this book is a window into one of his amazing classes! One of Frans’ special gifts is to make extremely profound spiritual truths easily accessible. This book will awaken readers to the deeper possibilities of their Reiki practice and offer techniques to help them get there. A must-read for anyone interested in Reiki practice! “
– Kathleen Prasad, Founder, Animal Reiki Source and President, Shelter Animal Reiki Association, and author of Reiki for Dogs

“Frans Stiene has done us a huge favor by revealing the actual context of Reiki in his book The Inner Heart of Reiki – Rediscovering Your True Self as a Way of Self-Cultivation which is primarily focused on refinement of self that happens to include a method of helping and healing others that is a secondary feature of The Way.”- Dr Roger Jahnke, OMD
Founder/Director of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC) Author The Healer Within and The Healing Promise of Qi

“I am a Tendai monk. The founder of Tendai Sect, Denkyo Daishi Saicho, stressed Doshin – Heart for the way, as of most importance. In Denjyutsu Isshin Kaimon, Kojo (Tendai monk 779-858) quotes Saicho’s famous words “There is livelihood in Doshin, there is Doshin in livelihood.”I had the opportunity to spend a week with Frans Stiene upon his visit to Japan, when I had the honor of guiding him through Buddhist practices. I was thoroughly impressed with Frans’ Doshin and was struck with awe. In high regards to Frans Stiene’s Doshin, I have presented him with the Kesa – monk’s stole – which I received upon initiation to priesthood. Kesa is the soul of a priest. Having witnessed his Doshin and soul, both in person and through The Inner Heart of Reiki – Rediscovering Your True Self, I look forward to Frans’ further endeavors. Reiki is not merely a “technique,” but has a vital role in guiding one to reach “perfection as a human being.” The idea contained in the precepts, “just for today, do not anger, do not worry…” also is reflected in One Day, One Life by my teacher, Sakai Yusai Dai Ajari.If you want to know whether a teacher is a true Reiki teacher or not, all you have to do is to ask him what the true self is. Without the trustworthy insight of the true self, nobody can insist he is a true disciple of Mikao Usui. This book testifies that the author is one of the true Reiki teachers.”- Takeda Hakusai Ajari

“Frans Stiene is an inspiring teacher because he embodies the spiritual gift of Reiki in all his actions and throughout his day, not just when giving someone a session. In this delightful book he weaves the threads of the rich history of Japanese spiritual practices that have brought him to this inner sacred space.”- Neil McKinney, ND – author of Naturopathic Oncology 

“Frans Stiene illuminates the intricacies of Reiki with the insight and simple elegance of a master. His writing resonates with the depth of experience.” —Barry Lancet, award-winning author of Japantown

“Every once in a while you find a book that changes everything. It is almost like you have a paradigm shift, and you take the words into your new understanding of how the world could be. Things that you always questioned come clearer even though you did not know that there was confusion. Frans Stiene’ s new book The Inner Heart of Reiki is just such a book. Every page took me deeper into myself and lit up the places where there were shadows of doubt about the system of reiki and the spiritual path that I am on. I have studied Buddhism for a number of years and have been working on becoming a zen priest for the past few years. I also have a yoga studio and have trained in yoga for the past 20 years. Neither Zen nor yoga have been able to take me as close to my true nature as reiki has done. When asked what religion I am I say I am a reiki Buddhist for that reason. In Buddhism there is a well renowned sutra called the Diamond Sutra. It is called the Diamond Sutra because it cuts through delusion. This book is similar in that it cuts through the delusion and hype of typical reiki books and goes right to the core of what reiki really is, a spiritual path. This books hits the mark and the mark it turns out is the true self. Frans has gone further than anyone in the world to study and learn about the system of reiki and it shows on every page always bringing us back to our true self, inviting the reader to explore for themselves what the true essence is all about. We are fortunate that Frans has done the research for us and we can all follow the path that he has cleared for us. I have decided that I will not teach anyone the third level of reiki unless they have read this book, because if they have not we cannot have a good conversation of what the deeper elements of the system of reiki are, so there would be no reason to advance anyone to that level.”- Jeff Emerson Reiki and Yoga Teacher and author of Unfolding the Lotus

“The Inner Heart of Reiki is a wonderful companion for the advanced Reiki student and/or teacher who wants to dive deeper into their daily practice and expand their energetic understanding of Reiki. This book is a clear and concise guide to help you integrate the various components of the system of Reiki–the precepts, meditations, symbols/mantras, and hands-on-healing–into your sessions, classes, and most importantly, your life. Frans Stiene, often referred to as “the Reiki Teacher’s Teacher,” takes his extensive research and grounded personal understanding and practice, and outlines a path of practice you can follow in his gentle, compassionate, and often humorous way.  As a Reiki teacher and practitioner, I found this book quite breathtaking. Breathtaking is the perfect word–this book reminds you to connect to your breath and your True Self while reading it! The book was truly wonderful, and something I’ll reread and refer to often as I expand my personal understanding of Reiki.”- Deborah Flanagan Reiki Teacher and author of Building A Powerful Practice: Strategies for Success to Create Your Wellness Business

“The Inner Heart of Reiki resonated deeply within me for I have always believed that we are all one and that Oneness is the essence of our universe. In this book Frans Stiene takes us on a journey through Japanese Buddhists teachings and meanings of mantras and Kanji as taught by Mikao Usui. It is a journey back to our True Self, Oneness and being Reiki rather than living in duality and just doing Reiki. This book is a must read not just for Reiki Practitioners and Teachers but for everyone who is on life’s journey of discovery. So much of Frans’s research, study, practice are openly shared with the reader. Frans does not talk the talk he genuinely walks the walk.”- John Coleman, President of Australian Reiki Connection Inc. Australia’s Leading Reiki Association The Australian Reiki Connection Inc. is pleased to endorse The Inner Heart of Reiki to it’s members and to the Reiki Community.

“The empathetic way Frans Stiene described the soul of the system of Reiki shows that he is able to understand the true meaning of being yourself” 
– Ben Midland, author of The Sacred Mirror

“Frans Stiene opened my eyes to the original teachings of the system of Reiki – and allowed me to finally grasp the ultimate depth it offers. I am forever grateful for this. Frans’ authentic and inspirational approach allows students to really embrace Reiki – their True Self in their everyday lives. It is fair to say that his way of teaching brought the understanding of the system of Reiki to a new level in the Western world. His book; The Inner Heart of Reiki – Rediscovering Your True Self is a must read for all Reiki practitioners and teachers.”- Torsten A. Lange, Director of the Reiki Academy Londonand author of Reiki – Heal your Body and your Life with the Power of Universal Energy


Review of The Inner Heart of Reiki – Rediscovering Your True Self by Dr. Judith N. Rabinovitch Professor of Japanese Language and Culture at the University of Montana
Frans Stiene is an international leader in the teaching of Reiki and one of the world’s foremost authorities on the history and foundational principles of this discipline. His new book is both insightful and engaging, lucidly and thoroughly describing the spiritual underpinnings of Reiki healing practices and exploring the unspoken hearts of the early masters. Stiene also explains the Buddhist background of Reiki practice, including the mystical yamabushi ascetic tradition, which became entwined with the training of more mainstream healers. From a unique vantage point grounded in long experience and excellence as a teacher, Stiene guides his readers toward a deeper appreciation of the diverse philosophical wellsprings of Reiki healing as well as the meditative practices that underlie these practices. Devotees of Reiki will also derive from Stiene’s book the inspiration to develop the self-understanding, equanimity, and compassion that are fundamental to Reiki practice.

“Frans Stiene is an international leader in the teaching of Reiki and one of the world’s foremost authorities on the history and foundational principles of this discipline. His new book is both insightful and engaging, lucidly and thoroughly describing the spiritual underpinnings of Reiki healing practices and exploring the unspoken hearts of the early masters. Stiene also explains the Buddhist background of Reiki practice, including the mystical yamabushi ascetic tradition, which became entwined with the training of more mainstream healers. From a unique vantage point grounded in long experience and excellence as a teacher, Stiene guides his readers toward a deeper appreciation of the diverse philosophical wellsprings of Reiki healing as well as the meditative practices that underlie these practices. Devotees of Reiki will also derive from Stiene’s book the inspiration to develop the self-understanding, equanimity, and compassion that are fundamental to Reiki practice.” – Dr. Judith N. Rabinovitch Professor of Japanese Language and Culture at the University of Montana



Comments 11

  1. Avatar of Nathan
  2. Avatar of Hiromi Hayashi

    This is another vital book of Frans to address the most important aspect of Reiki, which is unfortunately absent in many of the modern Reiki practices.  I am very excited about the publication of this book for all of us who are pursuing the essence of Reiki as it was originally intended by Mikao Usui.  Thank you Frans for giving us another opportunity to delve into our own selves to connect with our inner hearts.

  3. Avatar of Frans Stiene
  4. Avatar of Frans Stiene
  5. Avatar of Teri

    thank you for highlighting the importance of having a meditation practice . I feel a responsibility to my clients and students to bring this to my reiki work, and encourage them to explore meditation as well.
    With Metta,

  6. Avatar of Frans Stiene

    Thank you Teri,
    For me the precepts point to a state of mind of meditation. Precepts also mean instructions so they are instructing us hot do perform hands-on healing for example. This means that we need to meditates else we still perform hands-on healing with anger and worry.


  7. Avatar of Susan Andrews

    I can’t wait to read your new book!  During the first class I took with you and all the subsequent ones,  my mind and heart were opened to a much greater understanding of Reiki.  You made sense of the practice when I was floundering and had been seeing it as a practice of ‘doing’ something.  I now understand Reiki as a spiritual Practice, a Way, a Path to Being, and appreciate the tools you have given us to find our way.  Your classes are infused with a sense of fun, liveliness and Truth.  Thanks for taking the time to write this book and add new information to support our practice.

  8. Avatar of Frans Stiene
  9. Avatar of Learn Reiki
  10. Avatar of Reiki India
  11. Avatar of Frans Stiene

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