“Regardless of time and place, the whole practice of Dhamma comes to completion at the place where there is nothing. …
Sardinia Reiki Retreat
Da poco si è concluso il ritiro Reiki ad Alghero, in Sardegna, che mi ha vista impegnata sia come partecipante …
Concentration and Reiki
Why do we need to concentrate when we practice the meditations and hands on/off healing practices that are taught within …
Beginner’s Luck and the System of Reiki
Remember those moments when you try something out for the very first time and miraculously, it works! Meanwhile people everywhere …
“Animals as Friends” interview with Bronwen Logan
Watch Bronwen Logan being interviewed by Janet Dobbs of Animal Paradise and the Animal Lover’s Cafe. Bronwen LoganBased in Australia, …
Reiki and Buddhism
Hosted by filmmaker Yujiro Seki, Carving the Divine TV is a series of Q&A sessions with Buddhist scholars and practitioners. …
Frans Stiene and his Teacher Takeda Ajari
Frans Stiene features in a video of his Japanese teacher Takeda Ajari. Frans has been training with Takeda Ajari since …
Hito within the Reiki Precepts
Within the precepts we have the sentence “hito ni shinsetsu ni” 人に 親切 に which reads as, “be kind to …
Grounding through the Feet Technique
This is one of my most favourite grounding techniques. It is a very important practice to do on a daily …
Frans Stiene Interview with Brighitta Moser-Clark
Brighitta Moser-Clark the author of The Reiki Way and Frans Stiene the author of The Way of Reiki – Mikao …