Although I had completed my reiki master training some years ago, in May 2010 I made the journey to beautiful Mt Tomah to experience the Shinpiden level with Frans.
I’d struggled over the years with new age confusion and its effects on the reiki community. I’d read all of the books written by Bronwen and Frans Stiene and those books were the resources I passed onto students to assist in their reiki training.
Over time, through the natural course of my development, the unnecessary western ideas and additions slowly fell away. Eventually I was left with my own limited understanding of the Usui system of healing. From what I had read and understood from my own research, I realised there were gaps that needed to be filled to complete my reiki practice. I knew I wouldn’t find it in the western approach. I now wanted more than the books could offer.
My time at Mt Tomah was a life changing event. There, within the original teachings and techniques which were so creatively and beautifully facilitated, I believe I found what I’d been searching for since the age of around fifteen; A complete spiritual practice to support me for the rest of my life. I was now confident in what I could do for myself and pass onto others.
I’d like to share with you some of the benefits since my Shinpiden course which are manifesting clearly and quickly in my everyday life.
The practice of reiki is very powerful in the most self caring manner. How can I help to nurture others if I cannot nurture myself? When I experience compassion for myself and my recovery from life, I am able to have compassion for others and their journey.
I cannot express enough gratitude to Bronwen and Frans for their dedicated research and participation which has enabled them to offer the western world, the deep spiritual teachings and techniques of the classical Japanese Art of Reiki. I would also like to thank Frans for keeping the lines of communication open for ongoing guidance.
Alison McLean, Shinpiden student of the International House of Reiki and author of The Tender Realm Of The Heart