Lets bring in the 2016 New Year by sharing a chanting evening together.
This 5 hour long event will focus on the chanting aspects within the system of Reiki.
Each hour will focus on one specific chant.
Hour One: Chanting the precepts in Japanese
Hour Two: Chanting the choku rei mantra
Hour Three: Chanting the sei heki mantra
Hour Four: Chanting the the hon sha ze sho nen mantra
Hour Five: Chanting the dai kômyô mantra
Each chanting session will start on the hour and last for 45 minutes, followed by a 15-minute walking practice to stretch the body. In all, there will be 5 hour-long sessions! Are you ready to finish 2015 with an expanded, open, joyful state of mind-heart?
You can join me for 10 minutes or 5 hours: all participants get unlimited access to the LIVE streaming video of this event.Suitable for absolutely everyone. You can chant along to raise your own vibration or simply sit quietly and soak up the healing heart sutra energy. Join people from all over the world joining in at exactly the same time as you.
Dates and Times:
These dates and times will help you orientate yourself according to where you live. If you’re not sure what time it is in your part of the world then find out at TimeandDate.
USA (EST New York time) – Monday 28th December, 3pm
Australia (EST Sydney time) – Tuesday 29th December, 7am
UK (London time) – Monday 28th December, 8pm
Europe (Berlin time) – Monday 28th December, 9pm
Register NOW With A Donation of Your Choice…
Based in Holland, Frans Stiene teaches in North America, Europe, UK, Australia and Asia.
Frans is also the author of Reiki Insights, it is the continuation of his previous book The Inner Heart of Reiki, taking your personal practice and understanding of the system of Reiki yet another step deeper.