Frans Stiene
What is Reiki?
By Frans Stiene “Because Reiki Therapy improves self-healing ability by using the spiritual energy coming from your own body, it’s safe and …
Yolanda Williams of Reiki Radio, The Energetic Alchemist, interviews Frans Stiene about the system of Reiki
Today is a special episode, as I sat down to have a discussion with one of my teachers, Frans Stiene. This feels less like an interview, and more like you getting to sit down with us for a private conversation between a teacher and student. I had the opportunity to ask Frans some of the questions I’ve had for years!
Frans Stiene interview op Haarlem 105
Gedachtes: Door de voordeur erin en door de achterdeur er weer uit. “Geef ze geen thee. ” zegt Frans Stiene, …
Cosmic Convos Podcast with Frans Stiene
World-renowned Reiki Master Frans Stiene & I go on another deep dive! In this episode, he discusses his favorite meditation technique, how …
The Right Mind of Reiki
by Frans Stiene Within Okuden Reiki II we have the mantra and symbol hon sha ze sho nen 本者是正念 which literally translates …
Interview between Nathalie Jaspar and Frans Stiene about the system of Reiki, Frans’s training in Japan, and life…
Interview between Nathalie Jaspar and Frans Stiene about the system of Reiki, Frans’s training in Japan, and life…
Reiki e compassione
Di Takeda Hakusai AjariTranslated by Maryanna Pais “Sono diventato monaco sul monte Hiei, ho studiato il buddismo esoterico Tendai e …