Frans Stiene

Based in Holland, Frans Stiene teaches in North America, Europe, UK, Australia and Asia.
Frans is also the author of The Inner Heart of Reiki, The Way of Reiki - The Inner Teachings of Mikao Usui and Reiki Insights. These books help you to take your practice to a deeper level.
Senior Teacher specialising in
- Teaching Reiki I, II and III (Reiki Master Level)
- Teaching Teachers
- Meditation Retreats
- Speaking at Conferences
- Writing Books
- Reiki Journeys
- Teaching Retreats
- One-on-one personal development sessions
- Reiki Treatments
- and Frans has also taken most of the photos on this website
Frans has been a major influence on global research into the system of Reiki since the early 2000s. His practical understanding of the Japanese influences on the system have allowed students around the world to connect deeply with this practise.
Students naturally respond to Frans' warmth and intelligence. His own personal spiritual Reiki practise is a model that many students wish to emulate and offers great encouragement to those on the same path.
Frans is a co-founder of the International House of Reiki and Shibumi International Reiki Association with Bronwen Logan (Stiene). He has also co-authored with her the critically acclaimed books The Reiki Sourcebook A-Z of Reiki Pocketbook, Reiki Techniques Card Deck and Your Reiki Treatment.
He is based in Holland and since 1998 has trained in a variety of countries such as Japan, Nepal, Italy, UK and Australia. His teachers include Hyakuten Inamoto, Doi Hiroshi and Chris Marsh. Frans' research has included interviewing Yamaguchi Chiyoko (now deceased) and other Japanese teachers including Dr Matsuoka. Frans is currently training with a Japanese Shingon priest, Takeda Hakusai Ajari, who was once a Tendai monk as a disciple of the great Sakai Dai Ajari, learning about Shinto, Shugendo, Tendai and Shingon. Frans is also studying with Reverend Yamabushi Priest Kûban from France.
Frans keeps researching and practicing traditional Japanese teachings to find out what Mikao Usui himself was practicing to get a deeper understanding about what the system of Reiki is really about. This will help him to become a better teacher and to support students in their understanding of the system and their own personal spiritual practice.Frans is one of the rare Reiki teachers who is undertaking these practices.
The contents of what Frans teaches is formed by what has been practised in Japan since the early 1900s, long before the system of Reiki left Japan, and the researched influences on the system (see the five elements of the system of Reiki for more information).
This particular method includes physical and energy enhancing exercises to help practitioners delve deeper into their Reiki practice. The earlier teachings consider the system not just to be a hands-on-healing practice but one that also focuses on a student’s spiritual path.
The spiritual level of the practitioner directly reflects the effect of Reiki. In a sense, the more you are enlightened, the more the effectiveness of Reiki enhances. The more you practice Reiki for saving others, the brighter your innate light shines to drive away clouds covering your mind. I think this is the quintessence of reiki. I hope your way of understanding Reiki spreads in the world to enlighten those who practice Reiki based on a superficial understanding of the tradition.
Frans' open, informal style of teaching has been an inspiration for students and clients throughout the USA, Europe, Asia and Australia. His aim is to provide students with the most comprehensive and up to date information about the system of Reiki as well as a strong energetic connection to Reiki's founder, Usui Mikao.
Frans is a senior teacher (sometimes known as Reiki Master) for the International House of Reiki. Apart from teaching all three levels of the system of Reiki and specialised classes, he offers limited one-on-one training sessions for students and one hour Reiki treatments in both Holland and on his teaching tours.
Read about Frans in the book by Judith Pennington: Your Psychic Soul
Read some articles by Frans about his personal journey:
- Tribute to Li Ying My taoist Teacher
- Frans Stiene's Shugendo Training in the French Alps
- Frans Stiene's Japan Journal
Some more relevant articles:
- The Brain Waves of Reiki
- The Harmonics of Healing and Brain Wave Evolution
- Your Psychic Soul embracing your Sixth Sense - an excerpt
Frans' second book is Reiki Insights. Reiki Insights is presented as a series of short chapters, each of them a teaching, so that you can pick it up, choose a chapter and read it. After you have read the chapter, sit down and meditate upon the words. Let them sink deep into your mind, body, and energy, so that you can feel what is in between the sentences. By reading and experiencing Reiki Insights in this way, it will lay a foundation for inner change, from not knowing your true self to knowing your true self.
Frans's new book The Way of Reiki - The Inner Teachings of Mikao Usui came out in November 2022 and is already a huge success.
“This book is a masterpiece. Frans Stiene has brilliantly synthesized with clarity and simplicity the essence of the system of Reiki as a path of self-cultivation (shugyo) toward self-realization. The content conveys a depth of understanding of Reiki in the context of Japanese culture, arts, philosophy, and religions as a whole in a style that is engaging and illuminating. This is the kind of book one can read many times and still find deep insights into the nature of life, the universe, and being human. It is a must for Reiki teachers and practitioners as well as for those interested in exploring healing through body/mind unity, an essential concept in the Japanese arts and ways.” - Veronique Frede Reiki teacher at the Japanese Culture Center in Chicago
"In his wonderful book Reiki Insights, Frans Stiene addresses ancient wisdom and meditation tradition in a very practical way to bring it to the modern world. It conveys a beneficial, heartwarming, and transformative experience, and will create happiness and joy for those who read it." - Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche, author of Our Pristine Mind
I've just got 'Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind' and I see in you (from only a glimpse of your life - 3 days!!) the description of roshi found in Richard Bakers' introduction - you have the 'buoyancy, vigour, straightforwardness, simplicity, humility, serenity etc etc.
You are extraordinary yet you are also ordinary and you are an inspiration to me - my role model. By being an ordinary human being you have opened the gates for me to see what can be attained with diligent practice. thank you.